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    学校里有很多社团,现在新生已经在学校了,所以所有的社团开始招收社员。水印广告测试   水印广告测试

















    悦思微微一笑:“love in your eyes

    sitting silent by my side

    going on holding hand

    walking through the nights

    hold me up hold me tight

    lift me up to touch the sky

    teaching me to love with heart

    helping me open my mind

    i can fly

    i'm proud that i can fly

    to give the best of mine

    till the end of the time

    believe me i can fly

    i'm proud that i can fly

    to give the best of mine

    the heaven in the sky

    stars in the sky

    wishing once upon a time

    give me love make me smile

    till the end of life

    hold me up hold me tight

    lift me up to touch the sky

    teaching me to love with heart

    helping me open my mind

    i can fly

    i'm proud that i can fly

    to give the best of mine

    till the end of the time

    believe me i can fly

    i'm proud that i can fly

    to give the best of mine

    the heaven in the sky

    can't you believe that you light up my way

    no matter how that ease my path

    i'll never lose my faith

    see me fly

    i'm proud to fly up high

    show you the best of mine

    till the end of the time

    believe me i can fly

    i'm singing in the sky

    show you the best of mine

    the heaven in the sky

    nothing can stop me

    spread my wings so wide。。。”

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