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第二十八章:Let It Go


    “当然。水印广告测试   水印广告测试”看你能耍什么花样!苏月说:“不知王子要听什么?”苏月正欲让敏儿前去取琴,使节便说,“不用麻烦了,本王子将我国乐器带来了,还烦劳公主用此种乐器演奏。”使节拍了拍手,就有人将乐器抬了上来,苏月一看,那不是钢琴吗?这个世界这么早就有钢琴了?不过,怀疑终究只能是怀疑,证明不了什么。



    “the snow glows white on the mountain tonight

    not a footprint to be seen

    a kingdom of isolation

    and it looks like i'm the queen

    the wind is howling like this swirling storm inside

    couldn't keep it in, heaven knows i've tried

    don't let them in, don't let them see

    be the good girl you always have to be

    conceal, don't feel, don't let them know

    well, now they know

    let it go, let it go

    can't hold it back anymore

    let it go, let it go

    turn away and slam the door

    i don't care what they're going to say

    let the storm rage on

    the cold never bothered me anyway

    it's funny how some distance makes everything seem small

    and the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all

    it's time to see what i can do

    to test the limits and break through

    no right, no wrong, no rules for me。( 平南文学网) i'm free

    let it go, let it go

    i am one with the wind and sky

    let it go, let it go

    you'll never see me cry

    here i stand and here i'll stay

    let the storm rage on

    my power flurries through the air into the ground

    my soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around

    and one thought crystallizes like an icyblast

    i'm never going back, the past is in the past

    let it go, let it go

    and i'll rise like the break of dawn

    let it go, let it go

    that perfect girl is gone

    here i stand in the light of day

    let the storm rage on

    the cold never bothered me anyway”当苏月第一句唱出口时,王子就已经很惊讶了。没想到,这北国的和硕公主竟然会我国语言?还会弹奏钢琴,确实不凡!苏月如果知道他的想法,还不得笑死。



    “very good!can you speak english?”“yes,ican 。thank you。”这么一说,使节就跟找到老乡似的,那个激动,简直无法描述。

    “is who teach you english?(是谁教你英语的)”苏月随口编了个人“albert einstein(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)”却没想到,使节一下子变得激动起来,一把抱住苏月。大厅的人都瞪大了眼睛,还以自己看错了,赶忙跑上去,将使节拉下来。于是呢,苏月就回到了座位上,于是呢,使节就在那边解释,不过有一句话叫做,解释就是掩饰,掩饰就是事实。于是,使节悲催了,大家都认为使节对苏月不怀好意。其实吧,对于苏月,大家还是有那么一点喜欢的(作者:表要想歪!),再然后呢,这次宴会就在这出闹剧中结束了,至于,苏月被使节拥抱的事情,传到桑国的那位耳朵里,会发生什么事情,我可就不知道了喽。

    作者:话说哎,冰雪奇缘主题曲《let it go》25种语言的那一个版本,还蛮好听的,
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