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第十三章 又见Denni

    “denni,why are you here?”(丹尼,为什么你会在这?”)我迅速得站了起来。

    “wait,who are you?”(等等,你是谁?)他上下看了我一遭,疑惑的问。

    我摘下镜框说“i’m elivra,you won't forget me?”(我是艾薇拉啊,你不会忘了我吧?)

    “oh,i won't forget you。”(噢,我不会忘记了你的。)


    “ah,why?aren't you stay in london?”(喔,为什么?你不是呆在英国吗?)

    “when you leave to chian,then i also leave the london find you come here,so i quit here bought the british restanrant。”(当你离开到中国来,然后我也离开了伦敦,找到你来了这里,所以我辞职来这里买下了这家英国餐馆。)

    “really?i'm very happy。here i finally have a familiar person。”(真的吗?我很高兴,在这里我终于有个熟悉的人了。)

    “yes,it's really,i konw you are a very nice girl and you are so cut and beutiful。so i very like you,take you as my granddaughter。”(是的,它是真的。我知道你是个十分好的女孩,你很可爱和漂亮,所以我很喜欢你。把你当成我的孙女。)

    “me too, you're like my grandfather took care of me。”(我也是,你就像我的爷爷一样照顾我。)

    “by the way,why are you dressed like this?”(顺便提一下,你为什么打扮成这样?)

    “you know i grew too much,yo be low-key ,or into the upper part of the body is not good。(你也知道我太出众了,要低调,不然惹祸上身不好。)

    “so that is what it is。”(原来如此)

    “this is my telephone number,if you can call me。”(这是我的手机号,如果有事可以打电话给我)

    “that nothing can not call you?”(那没事就不能打电话吗?)

    “no,of cause。”(不,当然可以)

    说完我站了起来,”i have a class ahead,bye。”(我还有课先走了,拜)

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