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正文 ╭ァ■□比赛③

    沫沫一上台,台上就响起了POWER MOVE的音乐……沫沫随着POWER MOVE音乐,跳了起来……

    先六步,双手撑着地面,脚绕着双手走动,大多作为调整节奏或找感觉时使用。(www.dukankan.Com请记住我们的网址) 体操动作,被引用到街舞上,倒立时双手撑着地面,双脚在空中整齐的摆动,像走路一样。 同上,支撑点由双手改成单手,空出的手在空中挥动保持身体的平衡 。像单车一样,不过支撑点是头,依靠头的上下跳动和双手摆动来保持平衡,纯粹的自虐招式。 倒立,整个身体旋转,双手交换支撑,双脚在空中甩动,好比X一样,只有两点能交换支撑着接触到地面。 同上,将支撑点换成了双手的肘部。 同大回环,支撑点只有一只手,每转动一圈手都会撑离地面几厘米左右跳动,用来更好的保持平衡。 大回环的最高境界,以单肘支撑,难度非常的高。 倒立且旋转,然后随着身体重量的移转由一只手换到另一只手做动作,做到脚着地为止。 用一只手倒立,尽可能的旋转直到脚着地为止。 肩膀的两边轮流顶地面,背和胸轮交换着接触地面,双脚大幅度摆动,当胸接触地面时双手支撑发力,保持旋转。 双手交叉放放在胸部保护,背和手轮流贴地,双脚发力摆动,保持旋转。 利用身体的发力保持旋转,双手伸出轮流贴着地面。 肩膀的一边和头顶地,双手支撑,发力点是头和肩膀,接触到地面的只有头,肩膀,双手。 双手撑地,身体平行于地面,利用双手旋转将身体带动旋转。 单手撑地,身体平行于地面,另一只手发力拨动地面旋转,支撑点只有一只手,最后,完美的落地……


    “呵呵,洛小然童鞋带来的街舞很劲爆!而且很完美,接下来,有请下一位参赛选手——洛梦樱童鞋,给我们带来钢琴曲————love me not!!大家欢迎!”


    馨儿走上台,台上便响起了钢琴音乐:“lcomplicated our lives

    By falling in love with him

    I complicated our lives

    Now I’m losing my only friend

    I don’t know why, I had to try

    Living my life on the other side

    Now I’m so confused

    I don’t know what to do

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, She loves me not

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me。。。

    I started blurring the lines

    Because I didn’t care

    I started crossing the line

    Cause you were never there

    No where to turn,

    No one to help,

    It’s almost like I don’t even know myself

    Now I have to choose

    I don’t know what to do

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, She loves me not

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, she loves me

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, She loves me not

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me。。。

    No where to turn,

    No one to help,

    It’s almost like I don’t even know myself

    Now I have to choose

    I don’t know what to do

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, She loves me not

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, She loves me not

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, She loves me not

    He loves me, He loves me not

    She loves me, She loves me not

    Loves me not。。。。。。。。。”所有的人,都沉浸在这美妙的钢琴曲中……






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