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正文 第22章 MSN


    莫特先生:^_^My child,Im thinking about how long it gonna takes you to find me on MSN.


    秦若年:= =Sir,tell me what else you gonna do again?


    莫特先生:its just a bit fun


    秦若年:= =Fun?Im walking in the shit.



    秦若年:Anyway,I know what the email shows.


    莫特先生:haha,you got it!I know you can!


    秦若年:But I still cant understand whats going on here.I mean,I found nothing here,they totally act like a normal family.


    莫特先生:Thats why you are there,my dear.See?the material point is,where the man hide the money.


    秦若年:The money?You mean it might be hidden somewhere around here?


    莫特先生:That might be true.You can just look at the mirror with a piece of cheese cake,and everything will come to you.


    秦若年:So what u want to say about the man in the mirror?


    莫特先生:^_^Micheal decides to exit,and the concert is gonna be in London this summer.So I will fly there directly next month.


    秦若年:What?I thought we were talking about the business.


    莫特先生:Child,take it easy,its time for you to find a girl,settle down.^_^



    莫特先生:Actually,Man is in dangerous,not us,someone is searching him as well,Im afraid.


    秦若年:May be I should do it,Im sure I could chase him back.


    莫特先生:But youre the only one who can mask to be Man now.This case needs you.


    秦若年:All right,so do I need to attend the meeting in Los Angeles?


    莫特先生:Exactly.^_^This weekend,my boy.


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