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正文 回国


    “喂,老头,干嘛?”梓玥问道。    “大小姐,我们请你们回国。”黑道长老说道。    “好啊,回哪个国?”梓玥问道。  (因为经常各国瞎蹿,忘了祖国。中国:呜呜,我招你们没,把我还忘了。沫玥:汗,没看住,让祖国跑出来了。)  “中国”长老说道。   “中国??”梓玥惊讶的重复一遍。  “大小姐,我耳朵又没聋,记性也没差到说出来就忘,不用你喊。”长老道   “嘟嘟嘟”  “死丫头,挂我电话”长老   “啊!梓玥,你确定没听错?”云鑫说    “当然,八百米外的心跳我都能听到。”梓玥翻白眼。     “是哦”云鑫说。   “喂”云含看样子还没醒。    “马上到”梓玥说道。     “干。嘟嘟嘟”         “妈的,又挂我电话”含说。     “干嘛啊”安怡说。      “不知道走看看去”含说。       “哦”怡说。        半小时后。   “妈的,冷梓玥,你又他妈挂我电话”含吼道。       “姐姐,姐姐,我错了。还不行吗?”梓玥说。      “叫我们干嘛啊”怡说道。     “叫我们回国鑫说道    “哦”“哦”两人应道。    “回中国”玥说道。       "哦哦"    “321”玥数道          “啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊”两人      “什么,再说一遍。”含说。       “长老们让我们回国,中国—中国-中国”玥敷衍道。         “干吗去啊”怡说。   “哎呀,忘问了”玥尴尬。。。     “额”众人。       “走吧”鑫      “哦”众人      “小姐,飞机飞好了。”管家。    “嗯。好的。下去吧。”兮。    “谁开啊”怡问道。    “来一把,谁输谁开。”玥说。

    “没意见”心说。      “随便”含说。       “来吧,好久没玩了”

    “Ah, this game brings back fond memories doesn't it? This still stands

    as one of my favorite games of all time and the opera scene has to be

    one of the most memorable。 Here are the lyrics to that scene to help

    you remember its greatness。”             玥。

    “ The West and East are waging war。。。

    Draco, the West's great hero, thinks of his love, Maria。

    Is she safe? Is she waiting?

    Draco:  Oh Maria!

    Oh Maria!

    Please, hear my voice!

    How I long to be with you!”           鑫。

    “ The forces of the West fell,

    and Maria's castle was taken。

    Prince Ralse, of the East,

    but she never stopped yearning for Draco。。。

    Maria:  Oh my hero, so far away now。

    Will I ever see your smile?

    Love goes away, like night into day”      含。

    “It's just a fading dream。

    Our love is brighter than the sun。

    For eternity, for me there can be,

    Only you, my chosen one。。。

    Must I forget you? Our solemn promise?

    Will autumn take the place of spring?

    What shall I do? I'm lost without you。

    Speak to me once more!”              怡。

    “咋办啊,没结果。差不多啊,”炫说。       “管家,叫天晨,赵希。”兮说。     “天晨,赵希??”众人。      “我的朋友。”兮说。     这时两个妖孽般的骚年走进来。        “小兮兮,干嘛?”天晨。      “兮,朋友??不只那么简单吧??” 含说。       “天晨,几天不见,皮痒了吧?”兮说。     “没没没,我错了。原谅我吧。”天晨扮萌的眨眨眼。      “噗,原谅你了,起来吧。”兮说。       “我就说兮不可能不原谅我的,嘻嘻,来来,让我亲一口。”     “起来”兮说。      “好了好了,别闹了。快走吧”赵希说。       “嗯”众人。

    “干嘛去啊”晨站在那问道。       “去中国 ”众人白了他一眼。       “好好好,走吧。”晨说。

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