正文 第二十六章第八部分
这声响惊醒了睡梦中的Jennifer。她匆匆起来,看个究竟。当她见冯路目光凝滞在窗外,胸部的轮廓剧烈起伏,手指间还夹着份信,赶紧过去问:“What’s up, oney?”(亲爱的,怎么了?))
冯路转过身来,神情凝重地说:“he bastard appealed to the court for getting me confined in China, only to have gotten judge’s permission。”(那个混蛋要求法庭限制我出境,法官居然接受了。)
“Oh,it means you can not leave before the suit is over。 o my knowledge, it’s quite common。 We’ll have enough time anyway, nothing to worry, oney。”(噢,这就是说你在官司结束之前,不能离开这里。不过,这种情况司空见惯。我们反正有足够的时间,不必担心。)
他对Jennifer说:“You are right, it’s no big deal。” (你说的对,区区一场官司,何足挂齿。)然后,他又说:“ Just let me cope with it on my own, you’d go to the school , staying peacefully in the lee port。” (就让我自己来应付这一切,你最好安心地呆在学校,那里是很好的避风港。)
“It may as well,lest distracting you too much。 Is it far from here?”(这样也好,免得让你分心。学校离这里远嘛?)
“It’s not close, at lease taking half an hour driving at the best of traffic。”(不算近,交通畅通时,也要半个小时的车程。)
“Oh,my god, what if it’s in the rush hour? ow about the traffic?”(噢,天啊,那要遇上高峰期怎么办?交通便利吗?)
“You need to change the buses around。 I think you’d better drive。”(你要一波三折不停地倒车,还是开车吧。)
“I am new here, not even knowing where they are, much less driving。 I am planning to live in the school, not having to travel around。”(我初来乍到,又人生地不熟,还是别开车啦。我打算住在学校,省得跑来跑去的。)
“And what about Lulu?”(那Lulu怎么办?)
“Just living with me, I could stay her in a kindergarten nearby for learning Chinese。 Do you think it’s good?”(就让我们母女相依为命吧,可以把她放在附近的幼儿园学中文,你认为行吗?)
“It would be just as well。 I’d pick you guys up at the weekend for a family union。”(那倒也不错,我到周末接你们回来家庭团聚。)为了她们的安全,冯路只好接受这样的安排。
这声响惊醒了睡梦中的Jennifer。她匆匆起来,看个究竟。当她见冯路目光凝滞在窗外,胸部的轮廓剧烈起伏,手指间还夹着份信,赶紧过去问:“What’s up, oney?”(亲爱的,怎么了?))
冯路转过身来,神情凝重地说:“he bastard appealed to the court for getting me confined in China, only to have gotten judge’s permission。”(那个混蛋要求法庭限制我出境,法官居然接受了。)
“Oh,it means you can not leave before the suit is over。 o my knowledge, it’s quite common。 We’ll have enough time anyway, nothing to worry, oney。”(噢,这就是说你在官司结束之前,不能离开这里。不过,这种情况司空见惯。我们反正有足够的时间,不必担心。)
他对Jennifer说:“You are right, it’s no big deal。” (你说的对,区区一场官司,何足挂齿。)然后,他又说:“ Just let me cope with it on my own, you’d go to the school , staying peacefully in the lee port。” (就让我自己来应付这一切,你最好安心地呆在学校,那里是很好的避风港。)
“It may as well,lest distracting you too much。 Is it far from here?”(这样也好,免得让你分心。学校离这里远嘛?)
“It’s not close, at lease taking half an hour driving at the best of traffic。”(不算近,交通畅通时,也要半个小时的车程。)
“Oh,my god, what if it’s in the rush hour? ow about the traffic?”(噢,天啊,那要遇上高峰期怎么办?交通便利吗?)
“You need to change the buses around。 I think you’d better drive。”(你要一波三折不停地倒车,还是开车吧。)
“I am new here, not even knowing where they are, much less driving。 I am planning to live in the school, not having to travel around。”(我初来乍到,又人生地不熟,还是别开车啦。我打算住在学校,省得跑来跑去的。)
“And what about Lulu?”(那Lulu怎么办?)
“Just living with me, I could stay her in a kindergarten nearby for learning Chinese。 Do you think it’s good?”(就让我们母女相依为命吧,可以把她放在附近的幼儿园学中文,你认为行吗?)
“It would be just as well。 I’d pick you guys up at the weekend for a family union。”(那倒也不错,我到周末接你们回来家庭团聚。)为了她们的安全,冯路只好接受这样的安排。