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正文 M、决斗(二)。






    Just watch me girl

    Be ready I'm coming for you

    My body just felt it I knew

    Tonight is the start of something new

    The way you dance

    Makes we wanna get down and show you

    That we can become one not two

    As we move to this beat like crazy

    Move it move it move it move it

    Let's rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it

    We can even pop it pop it pop it

    Tonight is on

    Girls step up to the party

    Grab a boy and move your body

    Do like me and my honey

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    Boys step up to the party

    Grab a girl and move your body

    Do like me and my shorty

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    It feels like

    We've been doing this for years

    The crowd is reflecting our moves

    Amazing what a beat can do

    Now follow me

    And pop that body clap your hands

    Turn around on one two

    Say ”Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ooh”

    Move it move it move it move it

    Let's rock it, rock it, rock it, rock it

    We can even pop it pop it pop it

    Tonight is on

    Girls step up to the party

    Grab a boy and move your body

    Do like me and my honey

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    Boys step up to the party

    Grab a girl and move your body

    Do like me and my shorty

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    Baby look at us

    The way we move

    From side to side

    It's all so smooth

    With every step we take

    It just get better

    Girl no doubt

    We got it together

    Baby look at us

    The way we move

    From side to side

    It's all so smooth

    With every step we take

    It just get better

    Girl no doubt

    We got it together

    Girls step up to the party

    Grab a boy and move your body

    Do like me and my honey

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    Girls step up to the party

    Grab a boy and move your body

    Do like me and my honey

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    Boys step up to the party

    Grab a girl and move your body

    Do like me and my shorty

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    Girls step up to the party

    Grab a boy and move your body

    Do like me and my honey

    Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

    Boys step up to the party

    Grab a girl and move your body

    Do like me and my shorty   (在此谢谢沫子= =#)


    “帅死了哇~~~~~救命~~~~~我要晕了~~”                                                      “就是怎么能这么帅!!”花痴们一顿乱叫。





    班导又扭着她的“小蛮腰”走上来。(X导:哎哟~别这么夸人家,人家害羞  苏魅:我吐= =#)        “下面,宣布两位的比赛情况。季嫣然。。。。。。2150票!”听完嫣然展开了紧皱的眉头,赢定了!“夜辰熙。。。。”班导故意顿了顿“2151票!”说完。嫣然紧紧握着拳头,就这么因一票输了?我不甘心,唇,被她咬的泛白。                                                                    (苏魅:我说一下不公平的内幕好了=。=樱落学院的女生比男生多一个人)

    “嫣儿,你输了呢”夜辰熙,眉眼间全是笑意。季嫣然放弃般的闭上了眼睛“愿赌服输”            “好!”夜辰熙抢过班导手中的话筒,                                                        “季嫣然,我的要求是:“吻我,并答应做我的女朋友!”夜辰熙发自内心的笑了,笑得很好看,10年了,除了你,还有谁能让我笑?                                                              “果然不是什么好事”嫣然叹气。                                                              敷衍了一句:“好”便走到夜辰熙面前双手环住他的脖子,贴上他冰凉的唇,见他没反应,快速的逃离了他的唇瓣。



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