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正文 亚梦技能介绍


    The Witch of the dream(女巫之梦)


    Witch's staff(女巫之杖)

    Witch magic(女巫魔术/女巫幻术)

    Witch magic strengthen(女巫魔术加强/女巫幻术加强)

    Witch doppelganger(女巫分身)




    Magic painting(魔幻绘画)

    Magic manufacturing(魔幻制造)

    Magic changes(魔幻变化)

    Magic changes strengthen(魔幻变化加强)


    Lift off the(斩断者)




    The soul of a warrior(武士之魂)


    disappear strengthen(消失加强)


    The psychedelic(迷幻者)


    Voice of psychedelic(迷幻之音)

    Voice of psychedelic strengthen(迷幻之音加强)

    Hallucinogenic dance (迷幻之舞)

    Hallucinogenic dance strengthen(迷幻之舞加强)

    Fan eye of the charm of (迷魅之眼)


    The queen(女王)


    The queen come(女王降临)

    The king of purification(王之净化)

    The queen singing(女王歌唱)


    1。Angel of light(光之使者)

    2。Dark emissary(暗之使者)


    1。Super purified(超级净化)

    Calm voice(安抚之音)

    Purification voa(净化之音)


    Demon seeds(恶魔种子)

    The sound of the night(暗夜之声)


    Angel wings(折翼天使)


    Heartbeat born(心跳初生)

    Wings gigantism(羽翼巨大化)

    Fly air purification(飞空净化)

    Fly air purification strengthen(飞空净化加强)

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