前奏的响起 第十三章:危险前奏曲 英国纯声小天后
【作者:肖代血甯】【第十三章:危险前奏曲 英国纯声小天后】【作品名:吸血鬼vs夜之十字魔女】
“ 那就告诉我你的名字!” 口罩男似乎在找台阶给泌霏璃沫丝茜下。(我说的是似乎!)
“ 璃沫! ” 某女心想:傻瓜才会告诉他真名!全球只有一家姓泌的!
“ 原来是英国纯声小天后啊! ” 某帅轩洛哲似乎还蛮惊异的。
“ 久仰大名!我叫铭枫祭 ”
‘ 看来我猜的没错!那另一个淡紫色碎发的就是………… ’ ---来自泌霏璃沫丝茜的心。
“ 是不是该上去秀一下啊!英国纯声小………天后! ” 鬼异轩洛哲座在了离泌霏璃沫丝茜很近的地方,调戏的看着她!
“ 没兴趣!” 泌霏璃沫丝茜往后挪了挪,想离这两个 ‘ 衰 ’ 哥远一点。
“ 秀一个!不然是不会承认你就是英国纯声小天后的哦! ” 铭枫祭的妖眸默默的投向了全是 ‘ 骚/女 ’ 的舞台,眼中充满了不削。 (初黛婵外)
“ 又没叫你承认! ” 泌霏璃沫丝茜嘴上一套,心里又是一套:我没事干啊!秀给你看!
“ 那!…………就摘墨镜咯! ” (铭枫祭今天真是活的不耐烦了!闲自己的命太长了!)
“ 我还是唱吧!” 如果泌霏璃沫丝茜摘了墨镜,没有带美瞳的酒红色黛眸,没染过的银白色直发……这不明摆着告诉别人说她是失踪了八年的泌氏二小姐了么! (点明一下:泌霏和两个基友去英国玩的时候,误打误撞就被黛婵乱推上了 ‘ 第五届英国歌后选拔大赛 ’ 舞台,舞台下全是记者,还有一群评委,都叫泌霏唱,然后泌霏就唱了一首 ‘ sitting down here ’ 然后就爆红了……/还有哦!在英国,银白色的头发很正常,而且她那天有带美瞳和鸭舌帽!/还有一点:泌氏二小姐泌霏璃沫丝茜在八年前失踪,唯一知道的就是银发红瞳。)
一个帅气的起身,迈着轻盈的步伐走向了舞台,一把夺过正在飙歌的歌女,清脆,冷淡的声音在四周的扩音器中响起 “ stop!狂舞的,下去! ” ‘ 唰唰唰!’ 几束耀眼的灯光打在了泌霏璃沫丝茜身上。
“ 音响师,我要英国纯声小天后唱的那首! ” 一听是英国小天后的歌,齐唰唰的……眼睛全注视在了舞台上绝世美眉身上。
sitting down here
I'm sitting down here,But hey you can't see me
Your words cut rather deeply,
They're just some other lies
I'm hiding from a distance,
I've got to pay the price
Defending all against it,
I really don't know why
You're obsessed with all my secrets,
You always make me cry
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
I'm trying not to avoid you,
Just don't wanna hear your voice
When you call me up so often,
I really don't have a choice
You're talking lie you know me
And wanna be my friend
But that's really too late now,
I won't try it once again
You may think that I'm loser,
That I don't really care
You may think that it's all forgotten,
But you should be aware
Cause I've learned to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
Kinda invisible
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
“ 哇!这声音好像在英国一曲爆红的小天后璃沫啊!就连着装都好像! ” 某酒吧男,高喊着……
“ 真的耶!” 某女也在高喊!!
“ 这不是泌霏么!她不是廷讨厌这个称号的么?怎么……… ” 台下的黛婵可爱的眨了眨眼,挠了挠亚麻色色的短发。
‘ 嗖!’ 帅气的将话筒扔掉了台下那位正在呆滞中的歌女,转身/下台去…………(这就叫曲终,人闪)
“ 嘭!嘭!嘭! ” 几秒后,全场爆掌!………然后全场目睹泌霏璃沫丝茜向那三个美男子走去,没有任何音乐,异常的静 ………………………………………………………
什么叫打字打的手抽筋,小代算是见识到了!乡亲们!小代真的很可怜!给点 ‘ 疗心费 ’ 吧!
感谢 凉子小姐,咻若Uo,a472856 的支持!小代会加油的!
“ 那就告诉我你的名字!” 口罩男似乎在找台阶给泌霏璃沫丝茜下。(我说的是似乎!)
“ 璃沫! ” 某女心想:傻瓜才会告诉他真名!全球只有一家姓泌的!
“ 原来是英国纯声小天后啊! ” 某帅轩洛哲似乎还蛮惊异的。
“ 久仰大名!我叫铭枫祭 ”
‘ 看来我猜的没错!那另一个淡紫色碎发的就是………… ’ ---来自泌霏璃沫丝茜的心。
“ 是不是该上去秀一下啊!英国纯声小………天后! ” 鬼异轩洛哲座在了离泌霏璃沫丝茜很近的地方,调戏的看着她!
“ 没兴趣!” 泌霏璃沫丝茜往后挪了挪,想离这两个 ‘ 衰 ’ 哥远一点。
“ 秀一个!不然是不会承认你就是英国纯声小天后的哦! ” 铭枫祭的妖眸默默的投向了全是 ‘ 骚/女 ’ 的舞台,眼中充满了不削。 (初黛婵外)
“ 又没叫你承认! ” 泌霏璃沫丝茜嘴上一套,心里又是一套:我没事干啊!秀给你看!
“ 那!…………就摘墨镜咯! ” (铭枫祭今天真是活的不耐烦了!闲自己的命太长了!)
“ 我还是唱吧!” 如果泌霏璃沫丝茜摘了墨镜,没有带美瞳的酒红色黛眸,没染过的银白色直发……这不明摆着告诉别人说她是失踪了八年的泌氏二小姐了么! (点明一下:泌霏和两个基友去英国玩的时候,误打误撞就被黛婵乱推上了 ‘ 第五届英国歌后选拔大赛 ’ 舞台,舞台下全是记者,还有一群评委,都叫泌霏唱,然后泌霏就唱了一首 ‘ sitting down here ’ 然后就爆红了……/还有哦!在英国,银白色的头发很正常,而且她那天有带美瞳和鸭舌帽!/还有一点:泌氏二小姐泌霏璃沫丝茜在八年前失踪,唯一知道的就是银发红瞳。)
一个帅气的起身,迈着轻盈的步伐走向了舞台,一把夺过正在飙歌的歌女,清脆,冷淡的声音在四周的扩音器中响起 “ stop!狂舞的,下去! ” ‘ 唰唰唰!’ 几束耀眼的灯光打在了泌霏璃沫丝茜身上。
“ 音响师,我要英国纯声小天后唱的那首! ” 一听是英国小天后的歌,齐唰唰的……眼睛全注视在了舞台上绝世美眉身上。
sitting down here
I'm sitting down here,But hey you can't see me
Your words cut rather deeply,
They're just some other lies
I'm hiding from a distance,
I've got to pay the price
Defending all against it,
I really don't know why
You're obsessed with all my secrets,
You always make me cry
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
I'm trying not to avoid you,
Just don't wanna hear your voice
When you call me up so often,
I really don't have a choice
You're talking lie you know me
And wanna be my friend
But that's really too late now,
I won't try it once again
You may think that I'm loser,
That I don't really care
You may think that it's all forgotten,
But you should be aware
Cause I've learned to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
Kinda invisible
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
“ 哇!这声音好像在英国一曲爆红的小天后璃沫啊!就连着装都好像! ” 某酒吧男,高喊着……
“ 真的耶!” 某女也在高喊!!
“ 这不是泌霏么!她不是廷讨厌这个称号的么?怎么……… ” 台下的黛婵可爱的眨了眨眼,挠了挠亚麻色色的短发。
‘ 嗖!’ 帅气的将话筒扔掉了台下那位正在呆滞中的歌女,转身/下台去…………(这就叫曲终,人闪)
“ 嘭!嘭!嘭! ” 几秒后,全场爆掌!………然后全场目睹泌霏璃沫丝茜向那三个美男子走去,没有任何音乐,异常的静 ………………………………………………………
什么叫打字打的手抽筋,小代算是见识到了!乡亲们!小代真的很可怜!给点 ‘ 疗心费 ’ 吧!
感谢 凉子小姐,咻若Uo,a472856 的支持!小代会加油的!