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正文 每一次都能惊艳全场



    那淡浓的妆扮把她展现的妖媚十足,仅是优雅的淡笑,就足以扣人心弦,不论男女,都为此沦陷,像是忘记呼吸般得,台下甚是安静,女子缓缓张开那撩人的红唇“《》,music”剪短的话语,让台下的人顿时欢呼,他们明白,这是冷兮媚的 ,尽管天天晚上都能见到她,但每次都会被她的出场惊艳到。


    i can't help myself


    it' kind of joke,

    i'm  the typical

    all we cadels,



    d yes we live for the


    doin' it for the


    a live the lifus


    doin' it for the




    isn' baby



    ure in the city lights

    graph my mind

    ver else you'ide

    all we care about is,

    film and body plastic




    doin' it for the


    a live the lifus


    doin' it for the




    isn' baby


    don' how or why

    but i'


    yeah i'



    a live the lifus


    doin' it for the


    a live the lifus


    doin' it for the



    doin' it for the


    a live the lifus
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